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  • Be sure and FULLY register (all team members have all their information submitted) all your teams by October 20 to guarantee t-shirts for everyone and in the sizes requested
  • Registration will remain open until Sunday, November 3, but registering after October 20 could mean you do not get t-shirts sized properly for your teams

How do I register a team for the contest?

  • Step 1: 2024 Registration for the Pacific Region Contest requires registration at https://icpc.global/. Each team must have a faculty sponsor/advisor(who may also be the coach). The same faculty member can sponsor all your teams. Among other things, the sponsor's signature certifies that the team members meet the contest eligibility requirements. The sponsor or the coach (if s/he is a faculty member) must accompany the team to the contest site. That is, each team must be accompanied by a faculty member from their institution.
    • You need to reserve a spot by registering your team(s) on-line with at the ICPC global site.
    • If a team will compete in D2 be sure and choose the D2 designation for a given site (e.g Oregon D2)
  • Step 2: Pay for each of your teams via PayPal
    • Cost is $125 per team
    • Maximum of 6 teams per school
    • PayPal will email you a receipt
    • PayPal link:
      Choose Number of Teams
      Please Enter School Name
    • NOTE: Once you pay with PayPal, your team will be approved on the ICPC Global registration site usually within 3 days
  • Direct all registration questions to Tom Capaul: tcapaul@uw.edu 

Registration Info:

  • Determine if you'd like a team to compete in D1 or D2
    • See the two division FAQ
    • Division 1 (D1) is for teams that are very strong algorithmically.  The D1 problem set will be difficult.  It will be along the lines of a lite version of what you would see at World Finals.  Only D1 teams are eligible for slots in the West Division Final.
    • Division II (D2) is approachable for teams that have not completed the algorithm sequence at their school and/or have not competed in programming contests before.  Almost all problems in D2 can be solved using techniques at the CS1 and CS2 levels.  Most teams in this division have a great chance at solving many problems.  If a team does well in this division this year, that team should try D1 next year!
    • To help determine which division to place a team, examine the Division 1 baseline problems in this zip file (15Mb): Div1BaselineProblems.zip
  • NOTE: If your institution is not registered on the ICPC site, please email the ICPC Global Manager at manager@icpc.global
  • REMINDER: When registering a team that you wish to compete in D2, choose the D2 designation for your site on icpc.global. 

If you have questions regarding the online registration process please email the the ICPC Global Manager: manager@icpc.global

Last updated: 1/7/2024